Welcome to PrintPlayMoney.net!
Looking for a template to print some play money? Every template and tutorial you find here is 100% free and made by me personally. Many of them are editable, and others are print-ready. I have spent literally weeks making money templates and tutorials for internet users to have a place to find free printable play money on the web.
Why do I this? Because I have a passion for our next generation of kids to have a better understanding about money than most adults do today. Sadly, we have no financial education curriculum put in place in most of our schools around the world. So, our children today learn how to handle money from their parents, in which 80% of them are living paycheck to paycheck and on the brink of bankruptcy.
Making learning about finances fun takes a little creativity. The more interactive and "physical" it is, the better your chances that your children will retain the lesson. Teach them how to save, to invest, and how make money work for them! There are so many ways to get them to enjoy timeless lessons on handling money, and customized play money printed at home is a great place to start.
Further down on this page, you will find 2 links. One for tutorials on how to make your own templates using Word or Powerpoint, and another on pre-made money templates ready to print. These will take you to where you need to go to access the pages with the content you are looking for.
Oh, one other thing! If you have customized your own play money from one of our templates or from your own ingenious creativity, please feel free to email them to be added to the list of other templates already here. I promise to give you full credit (without hurting your privacy) if you email your creations to info@printplaymoney.net. Your submissions will help others who may not be as gifted in creativity as you and could really help a child who loves your creation!